Wednesday, October 1, 2008


1. What do you understand by 'recycling'?
2. Why is it necessary to recycle things?
3. What are the various ways in which things can be recycled?
4. Do you practise recycling?
5. If so, what do you recycle? How do you recycle the materials?
6. Do you think the school is doing enough in recycling?
7. What can the school do to help in the recycling process?
8. What message would you tell your friends and classmates about recycling?

I understand that recycling help people for wasting important stuff for example paper are from tree and you just use and throw it to the rubbish-bin.

It is
necessary because it help save earth for global warming.

There are many ways to recycle by
Plastic Containers, Grocery sacks,Glass, Steel, Aluminum Cans,Aluminum Foil,Phone books and other recycle material.

You should practice by throwing wasting material into the recycling bin

I recycle Newspaper,Magazine and Phone books by throwing into the recycling bin


It must recycle more recycling material.

You must recycle everyday

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Term 4 Week 1: Reading

Yes, Reading is important because it help in the composition/oral/word or blog.
Without reading you may not able to say some word.
We usually read because it help us to spell word such as photosynthesis and many other. Mostly 20 book/magazines from Monday to Friday.
I read because it help in my study but mostly I will go to my tuition.
Yes, It have affected by playing bad games too much.
I can encourage student reading by puting games book/fun book/interesting book/normal book or science book.
It will be a joke book.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


1) Copyright are people who copy from other people.

2)They are alls of copy thing such as word,pictures,games,movies,anime and many other

3)It wrong because you are stealing other idea without permisson from the owner

4)I'll have to ask from the owner

5)They may call the police for copying

6)They will copy all the work the owner done

7)I could just tell to stop copying

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Madam Asrina

I have learned that Brunei is bigger than Singapore

I learned that the palace was build by his Majesty

I learned that you love netball


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Unit 8: Question word and Question tag

1)Do the sultan have a boat
2)What is your home
3)What do they sell there
4)What thing are cheap in Brunei

I have no other question

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The stone giant and The giant turtle

One morning,

The night elf went to hunt the Naga's but one of the people the stone giant warlord and his name is call as Tiny because he was the smaller than the other stone giant after he got the power to GROW he can grow to a huge size.He remember his friend the giant turtle a very big turtle going to blood
elf village so he wanted to good bye but on his way there he encountered the Scourge. He fight with all his power but he died in the battle.All the night elf heard the news that the powerful giant died .The end